Cheap No Down Payment Insurance at First Glance


Purchasing no down payment car insurance seems like the perfect plan, especially when you can’t afford a huge out-of-pocket expense upfront. However, looks can be deceiving. Below, you’ll learn the truth about no down payment car insurance.

Here’s the thing. No down payment car insurance isn’t an actual thing, meaning it’ll be next to impossible to find this type of policy. Why? A traditional down payment isn’t associated with that kind of policies. Instead, when insurers use the term “no down payment,” they mean something entirely different. No, you aren’t able to avoid paying anything to get your policy started. It’s the opposite. You’ll pay your full policy, either 6- or 12-months, in one payment. This is opposed to making smaller monthly payments.

There a Plus Side to Making this Large “Down Payment” Upfront

You’ll be eligible for a bulk buy discount, which can save you a considerable amount of money. If you don’t have the money laying around to pay your policy in full, you’ll have the option of making monthly payments. Instead of paying the “larger down payment” that is the amount of your policy in full, you’ll pay a “smaller down payment,” which tends to be a single month’s coverage. In either case, you’ll have to pay something out of pocket to ensure your policy goes into effect.

Why You Can’t Get Cheap No Down Payment Car Insurance?

There’s a straightforward reason you must pay money down to get your car insurance started. Insurance companies view zero down payment policies as a huge financial risk. As a result, they don’t even offer it as an option for buyers.

So, now that you know the truth about no down payment car insurance, there’s just one question left to answer. How can you find the affordable coverage that doesn’t break the bank? Fortunately, you’re in luck. There are several options available.

Very Cheap Car insurance for $20 Down

Some insurers will allow you to pay a small down payment, often as little as $20 to $40, as a show of good faith. However, not everyone qualifies for this. In addition to having good credit, you’ll need a history of consistent car insurance coverage. If you’ve had a policy canceled in the past, companies view this as a red flag. Why? It often signifies that you have committed a significant violation in the past, drastically increasing your risk and causing your insurer to void the policy.

This could be related to past DUIS or convictions for reckless driving. If you are required to file an SR22, you can anticipate having to pay as much as 10% or more of the total premium to get your policy started. On the other hand, if you’re a good driver with continuous insurance coverage, you are likely to qualify for very cheap car insurance for as little as $20 down.

Car Insurance Down Payments

As mentioned above, you won’t be able to find a car insurance company that offers no down payment coverage. You will have to put money down to activate your policy. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a company that will allow you to put a small good-faith payment down. However, in most cases, you’ll be expected to pay the first month’s payment.

Below, you’ll find our comparison of the Seattle area’s top three insurance companies. Here you’ll see the average savings you can expect when you choose to pay your 6-month policy in full upfront. For the most accurate result, the plan being used for a 30-year-old female driver of a 2015 Honda Accord. For a woman who drives her car around the Seattle metro area and averages fewer than 10,000 miles yearly.

Her coverage includes:

  • Insurance, which the minimum coverage allowed in Washington State $10,000 PIP coverage
  • Comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible
  • Collision coverage with a $500 deductible If she chooses to pay the full six-month policy in full, she’ll save around $52.99 or an average of 6.13%. With that being said, this ‘s only the average for these three insurance companies.

Depending on the company chosen, savings will vary. For example, we discovered that one company offered an average savings of 17.6% when the entire policy was paid up front, while another offered no savings. This, of course, why it is so important to shop around and compare car insurance companies before selecting a policy.

Average Car Insurance Costs in the US

A well -known comparison site, the average cost of insuring a car around $713 annually in the United States. Of course, this is only an estimate because so many things must be considered when determining a rate. These factors include:

  • Your driving history
  • Your credit history
  • Your gender
  • Your marital status
  • Your age
  • Where you live and where you drive
  • The type of vehicle and its value

If you own a more expensive car, you’ll pay more auto insure. You’ll live in a highly congested area, such as Las Vegas or NYC.

Finding the Cheapest Car Insurance Companies

So, pay more for your car insurance. When you want to keep your insurance costs as low as possible, you have to consider the company you choose. Below are some of the top car insurance companies, along with the monthly rate you can expect to pay for their car insurance.

This data was provided by Young America Insurance Services and includes rates based on a 35-year-old male driving a 2015 Toyota Camry. The driver has good credit, a clean driving history, and puts less than 10,000 miles of the vehicle annually. The liability coverage meets the state minimum liability coverage in 10 states. According to the data, Young American offers the cheapest insurance if you are planning to make monthly payments.

On the opposite end, Allstate has the most expensive monthly rate. It’s important to remember that this may not a true reflection for you, depending on your specific factors. Some insurers will let you select multiple options. This will affect your monthly rate.

Savings depend on a variety of factors, including:

  • Your credit scores
  • Your driving history
  • Your location
  • The type of vehicle you drive
  • The type of coverage you select

If you opt to pay the full premium upfront, you can expect to pay anywhere from 5-10% less than you would if you chose to make monthly payments.

Other ways to save money on car insurance include:

  1. Taking and passing a defensive driving class
  2. Maintaining an excellent credit rating
  3. Maintaining good grades to take advantage of good student discounts
  4. Looking for other discounts, you may qualify for
  5. Comparing car insurance quotes from multiple companies before making a decision
  6. Investing in a car with numerous safety features, such as an anti-theft device and GPS
  7. Bundling your various kinds of insurance with the same company

Saving Money on Your Car Insurance Once Again

The best way to save money on your car insurance is by maintaining a stellar driving record and credit history. Stay out of accidents, avoid speeding, and don’t drink and drive. You will have less control over other important factors, such as age, marital status, and location. Another way to owning your car insurance costs by only taking out the state’s minimum insurance coverage.