Talking about the Best Dandruff Shampoo for Colour Treated Hair


Having our hair coloured in a professional parlour is an investment of money and our precious time. Most of the hair colourists try to sell the best dandruff shampoo for colour treated hair. It is a shame if we cannot maintain the colour of the hair and start suffering from dandruff. This will impact on our looks, appearance and also our self confidence.

Most of us have to know that the biggest culprit in fading the hair colour is dandruff. While some anti dandruff shampoo companies blame on the air pollutants and the exposure to the sun. Get it clear that just washing your hair with the harsh chemicals will cause as much fade as years of exposure to air and sun will do. In order to preserve your hair colour invest on the best dandruff shampoo for coloured hair which are usually available in the professional parlours and have natural ingredients in it.

There are many brands and types of anti dandruff shampoo for colour hair, ranging from the cheaper and common ones. First of all know your hair type and then search for a solution. It is very easy to determine what type of shampoo your hair needs if you have coloured your hair in the recent past. If your hair is gets the colour in few days back then you will need a shampoo which will protect the colour as well as prevent it from dandruff.

Good anti dandruff shampoo for coloured hair are those which have higher moisturizer content because your hair will be dry which will contribute to more dead cells. You can always go to your parlour lady for a solution. Let her know that you suffer from dandruff then accordingly she will suggest a good brand for your coloured hair. If your hair is dry, thin or oily then you will need a different type of shampoo which will solve the problem.

It is best to be aware of the commitments that the shampoo producers make, as some of them do not really live up to their commitments. One thing which is there at the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the list of ingredients that are present on the back of the bottle. The manufacturers or the producers have to reflect to the contents used in the product truthfully.  This means that the manufacturers can make a claim that their shampoos can protect the coloured hair from dandruff, whether they can actually do or not. However most of us do not even bother to read the list of ingredients what are there, let alone know the significance of the ingredients used.

If you find a best dandruff shampoo for colour treated hair at a cheaper price you can buy it and try the trial and error method to see whether it is suiting your hair or not. And also check whether the brand is really living up to their claims. If you find it good then do suggest it to your friends and family members.