4 Essential Tips to Remember If You’re Being Falsely Accused of a Crime


Being accused of a crime can be extremely stressful. It is especially arduous when someone is innocent of the charges brought against them. When faced with such a seemingly impossible wall to climb, many people begin to panic, which is the worst thing they can do.

Take a Deep Breath

Before you even start the process of trying to defend yourself, it is wise to get an attorney. Although you have the right to represent yourself, this is not a good idea. Take time and research when seeking defense counsel. Rushing the process because you are afraid will only result in making poor choices.

4 Essential Tips to Remember

There are a few essential tips to keep in mind when fighting false accusations of crimes. Keeping these in mind will help you to avoid obstacles that could stand in the way of exoneration.

  1. You can and should remain silent during the entire arrest. As the Miranda rights are read, remember you have the right to remain silent. You should not answer any questions without an attorney present because the information that is provided can and will likely be used in court to prove guilt.
  2. It is imperative you are always aware of your rights and protect them. Even if you were guilty of committing the crime you have been charged with, this does not negate your rights. The attorney will make every effort to inform you of the rights you hold and ensure they are not infringed upon.
  3. Gather all the evidence and information you have and turn it over to the attorney. If there are any eyewitnesses or alibis, this information needs to be given to the defense attorney. If you are formally charged with a crime, the attorney will perform an exhaustive investigation to gather evidence to use in the defense.
  4. Follow the guidance of the attorney for the best results. The attorney knows how to handle the charges that have been waged against you. Although you do not have to listen to the attorney, it will likely be detrimental if you do not.

Wrongful Convictions

It is scary to think a person could be convicted of a crime they did not commit, but it does happen. The wheels of justice often turn slowly, which is why it is so important to hire a criminal attorney to help.

Should you be wrongfully convicted of a crime, there are steps an attorney can take to appeal the decision and seek the justice that is deserved. When defendants fully rely on their attorneys to make the important decisions, they are more likely to be able to prove their innocence during a trial.


Many people panic when they find out they are being accused of a crime they did not commit. No matter whether a person is guilty or innocent, there are certain rights afforded to them under the law. Protecting those rights means hiring an attorney from the moment you learn about the accusations.

An attorney will fight for a client’s rights and work to get the best possible outcome of the trial. You do not have to fight the charges alone. There is legal help to be found, and you should take advantage of this help and receive the guidance you need. Allow an attorney to take over your representation and offer great peace of mind.