Choosing the Perfect Lipstick Based On Skintone and Undertone

Choosing the Perfect Lipstick Based On Skintone and Undertone

If you think about makeup products, lipstick is one of the first items that come to your mind. Of course, you can always forgo eye shadow or mascara, but never your lipstick. Adding color to your lips can definitely make a huge difference in how you look. However, you cannot just use any shade of lipstick. If the color doesn’t match your makeup, it can definitely destroy the look that you are going for.

Consider Your Skin Undertone

Do you know what your skin undertone is? We have 3 types of skin undertone: yellow (warmer), pink (cooler), or neutral (either yellow or pink). You need to know your skin undertone because this can help you figure out which lipstick shades would work best for you.

So how do you identify your skin undertone? Simple!

Take a look at the veins on your wrist. If the color of your veins is blue, you have a pink undertone. If your undertone looks green, this means that you have a yellow undertone. But if they appear to have both blue and green, then you are very lucky because you are in the neutral skin tone. This means that you can wear just any lipstick color.

Know Your Shade By Your Skin Tone

Now that you know which undertone do you belong, it is time to choose a lipstick. Pick the ones that are similar to your undertone. For example, if you have a yellow undertone, choose warmer colors. While for pink undertones, choose lipsticks with blue or purple tones. No matter what skin undertone you have, avoid using the colors gray, or ashy, and even those with an overly pale feel. This can make you look like you’re sick and downright unflattering.

If the undertone method doesn’t work for you, then base it on your skin tone.

  • Olive Skin Tone. If you have olive skin tone, these are usually neutral. You can go for nudes, pink, red, orange, and so on. Again, neutrals can wear any lipstick shade. Just match your lipstick to what you are wearing. If you are wearing warmer colors, then use a warm-colored lipstick.
  • Fair Skin Tone. If you have fair skin, you can go with reds and other deep colors. Play around with makeup so that you know the type of look that you want to go for. Finding the lipstick shade will just follow. Still, avoid anything that is too light or with too much yellow undertone. Or else, you will look washed out.
  • Darker Skin Tone. If you have a darker skin tone, go for deep plums, reds, or berries. They would look fantastic on you. Avoid using too light or pale-looking lipstick. Remember that deeper shades would look better on you.

It is very important that you are careful when choosing a lip color that would suit you. It can be more difficult when you purchase your makeup products online because you will not be able to do any swatches with lipstick testers. So to help you find the perfect lip color for you while you let this simple guide give you some tips that can help you along the way.