Nursing Career Guidance, Profession, Job and salary


Nowadays we have seen many of the human beings are facing health problems and wants to recovery as soon as possible. So for that concern, they are joining in reputed hospitals which consists of well-recognized doctors, nurses, caretakers, and other servicemen. So to eradicate the problem of health issues we need nurses who serve patiently to all the patients who are facing the problem of dangerous diseases. Nurses are the worthless professionals who treat sick and injured patients and also provide mental will power to survive to form critical situations. Nursing is a professional who keeps our healthcare system good and provides immunity power which strengthens our body with their services. Some times nurses are replacing the positions of doctors also why because they give daily care by having the humble nature which has adopted in the time of training.

Nurses are acting as a caretaker and educate the patients on the matters of which they are suffering from the disease and also gives advice to their family members how to serve the patient to overcome of the problem of the health issues. Nurses make a healthy environment around the patient’s surroundings and give courage to the patients to improve the will power which makes strong themselves. We can surely say to all the job seekers who have the zeal to settle in the Nursing Profession must keep this word in your mind “Service to Man is  Service to God”.

We are here to guide all the readers who have the dream to become a nurse which is the dynamic & spectacular profession must look at the following information. Even though, a massive number of professional nurses working in the Schools, Corporate Offices, Physicians’ Offices by making the plan for various shifts according to their schedules. A huge number of nurses spend a long time to provide their service to all the patients who get poor service in hospitals. Nurses work at least  9 to 10 hours a day by making the time table according to their working situations. Here, you can easily get the vital information regarding the different types of nurse jobs, which includes education, role, activities, services in their profession.

Nursing Jobs – Requirements

Nursing is a profession which is also one of the parts of the medical staff which includes doctors, therapists, social workers, servicemen. Nurses serve all the physical and mental patients who are joined in the hospitals, wish to recovery within the less span of time. Aspirants who have a passion to settle in the nursing profession must have the following requirements. Interested aspirants must keep an eye of the below-provided information to get brief information regarding the educational details, salary details, and all other vital information about the Nursing Jobs profession.

S.No Profession Educational Details Salary
01 Licensed Practical Nurse Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing 44,030/-
02 Registered Nurse Passing NCLEX-RN, Licensure 71,000/-
03 Nurse Practitioner Graduate Degree 40,000/-
04 Travel Nurse AND or BSN 70,000/-
05 Intensive Care Unit BSN 60,000/-
06 Emergency Room Nurse ADN or BSN 30,000/-
07 Operating Room Nurse AND or BSN 45,000/-
08 Home Health Nurse Nursing Diploma 35,000/-
09 Clinical Nurse Specialist MSN / Ph.D 80,000/-
10 Nursing Assistant Nursing Diploma 20,000/-
11 Staff Nurse BSN 50,000/-

Nursing Careers – Different Types of Nursing Professions

If you have a passion to settle in the nursing department must keep attention in training, willing to work toward certification for a licensed practical nurse or registered nurse. The profession of Nursing is also concentrating on treat patients in health care facilities, serve them with humble nature, accepting the shifts to serve the patients to make recovery them as early as possible. Nursing professions may be Clinical Nursing, Registered Nurse, Critical Care Nursing, Nursing Administration, Direct-Entry Midwifery-LM, Licensed Vocational Nurse Training, Nursing for Adults and Seniors, Mental Health Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner, Neonatal Nursing, Occupational Health Nursing, Nurse, Nursing Anesthetist, Operating Room or Surgical Nursing, Nurse Assistant, Pediatric Nursing, Patient Care Assistant, Public Health Nurse, Community Nurse, Nurse Midwife.