Facebook Publishes New Guide for Instagram Creators


It is evident and everyone knows the fact that Instagram has become an important platform for the content creators to prove and brand themselves. And everyone knows that Instagram is handled by the founders of Facebook and they run its functions. So, this time, Facebook has published a set of tips which will help the content creators of Facebook gain maximum benefits from the platform. All these tips have been designed while keeping in mind the insights and after conducting thorough researches that what works well and what does not. The initial points are as following;

  1. Keep things real
  2. Post regularly and choose creativity while designing the content
  3. Make a connection and sincere relationship with your followers
  4. Start your content with the storytelling

Well, we know that you are thinking that we already know these things but this is not all, there are more tips which are going to help you attract people who are genuinely interested in your content.

  1. No one keeps following a dull and inactive page, so, it is highly recommended to post on your feed, live, story, and IGTV at least once every week. This is a minimum and you must try to add more and more content to keep people engaged
  2. Instagram has added a wide range of questions and CTA which makes the users answer and talk and engage. So, if you communicate with your followers through stories, use these stickers to make things more engaging. This tip has been evident in boosting the performance, reach, and interaction among the followers and the content creator
  3. Always add a touch of reality in your feed or stories or IGTV videos to make sure that followers engage with you and they know that they aren’t following a mythical creature. It will ensure that the followers and content creators share a bond
  4. With the new updates and changes in the applications, it has become easy for the content creators to upload multiple videos and photos at one time which weren’t available beforehand. The time duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 1 minute, so, take advantage of the update and make longer stories to engage more and more with your follower. The update has enabled the users to upload about 10 photos at one time in the feed but there is no limit to the number of stories. All this has made sure that various businesses get to benefit from the Instagram followers as their business increases
  5. If you are a content creator and you are promoting a brand through your website, acknowledge that it’s your responsibility to provide the best to your followers as they will be investing their money into the products after hearing your reviews. So, while you are branding or promoting the services, keep the following things in mind;
  • Be transparent about your branding and make sure that things that are promised will be delivered to your comments
  • Be relevant with the type of content you are creating i.e. if you are running a food blog, you cannot partner up with car businesses as it won’t be relevant to what you do