HR Mash-up: Connect the dots and see beyond the obvious


Back in 2003, the release of the book Eragondrew appreciation, along with criticism. For critics, the book wasjust a rip-off of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, with a pinch of Dragonriders of Pern. However, there were several counter opinions from its great admirers, who claimed that everything in the world was a derivation of something. These similarities, hence, shouldn’t be taken into undue consideration.

Borrowing others’ ideas and morphing them into one’s own brainchild isn’t something new, at least in the creative world. After all, Pablo Picasso vouched for this harsh truth, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” This practice has resulted in several innovations, as sworn by the history of human civilization. And in today’s time of ubiquitous technology, artificial intelligence, and rapid globalization, it’s got a new lease of life… being renamed as the “mash-up.”

Believe it or not, the term ‘mash-up’ has reinvented the modern business landscape, touching almost every possible domain and field. And the once fuddy-duddy HR department isn’t an exception, too. Time and again, the mash-up has been proved to be beneficial for HR, more specifically talent management…in more ways than one.

How can HR reap the benefits by connecting disciplines?

In layman terms, a mash-up is the mix or combination of different content, things, or ideas from various sources in order to devise something innovative or new. When two or more different disciplines or frameworks collide, it will lead to something of an advanced order, more innovative, and most significantly, a major breakthrough that assists HR in moving business ahead. Even some of the latest studies on the future of HR and talent managementvouch for the fact that HR must evolve by adopting different interdisciplinary approaches.

However, the present situation narrates a different story altogether! The system is now witnessingtalent management professionals having lofty ambitions, with little knowledge about how to turn their ambition into reality.

The situation demands these professionals to stay away from the temptation of being extremely territorial and extend their skill sets to adopt frameworks from several other established disciplines.

During a typical mashing-up of HR with other business verticals, it’s absolutely necessary to recruit talent with non-HR expertise, including finance, logistics, engineering, and marketing. We can cite some examples here to elucidate the subject further!

For example, Customer service is the prime differentiator at Southwest Airlines. All its advertisements, branding, and marketing efforts sing paeans for its friendly service. So, when it comes to recruiting for airlines, it’s absolutely must for the HR to target, attract, recruit, and retain only right and service-minded employees. Isn’t it the right example of an HR mash-up?

In view of prevailing talent issues, HR veterans strongly opine that the era where HR operated in the silo of orthodox HR practices has already come to an end. The time has come to challenge the status quo, break the stereo types, and combine management frameworks with various principles of HR and talent management in order to devise cutting-edge professional models, which ultimately holds great promise for HR professionals.

And this is precisely where the value of HR certifications comes into the picture. The conventional HR and talent management courses fall short of meeting this evolving role. On the other hand, certification bodies, being managed by talent management veterans, step into this to close the prevailing gap. Given this, pursuing HR certifications courses will prove to be nothing but ‘the career lattice’.