Liver Disorder And it’s Ayurvedic Treatment

Liver ayurveda treatment

Liver is the largest organ in our body and it helps to eliminate all toxins from the body. Liver fights infection and controls cholesterol level and aids digestion. If you drink alcohol and smoke regularly then it will be easily damaged. All these things make the liver weak and this weakness can lead to liver disease in future. There are several diseases which can cause liver problems like infection, physical trauma, etc. Ayurveda has the best solution to cure liver disease. Ayurveda is like a blessing that can remove all types of disease from the body, even if it can deal with any types of liver infection and also makes the liver strong and healthy. So here we are going to tell you the benefits of Ayurveda treatments and how Ayurveda is good for our body.

What Is Liver And How Does It Work?

A liver is a very important organ of the human body. It sits on the right side and near to the belly. It distributes nutrients and waste as they move through the digestive system. It will produce bile, a substance and helps to take the toxins out from the body and aida in digestion. Liver plays a very important role in our body and does various things to keep our body healthy. It converts the nutrients form into chemicals which the body needs. Liver helps to filter and throughout all poisons It changes food into an energy form in the body. So if the liver creates a problem and doesn’t work in a proper manner then it is going to affect your whole body.

Symptoms Of Liver Disease

The symptoms of liver disease are changes in eye colour and convert into yellowish as in jaundice. The pain starts in the abdomen. Ankles and legs will change and get swollen very poorly. Deepens the skin itchiness, changing the colour of urine will be darker from the normal colour. Even stool colour will change every time. You always feel like puking and loss of appetite and tendency of bruises.

Different stages of liver disease can take serious problem such as-

Chronic alcohol abuse.

Fat aggregation in the liver (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease).

Specific herbal mixture.

Mainly mixing over counter medications.

Possibility factors-

This can increase the risk of the liver disease which includes:

Huge amounts of alcohol.


Type 2 diabetes.

Making tattoos on body areas or piercing any part of the body .

Use of drug injection before 1992.

Sex without protection.

Receiving or giving blood and fluids by others.

Family jeans of liver disease.

Different stages of liver disease can have serious problems such as.

Chronic alcohol abuse.

Fatty aggregation in the liver (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease).

Specific herbal mixture.

Mainly mixture or over counter medications.

Possibility factors-

This can increase the risk of the liver disease which includes:

Huge amount of alcohol consumption.


Type 2 diabetes.

Making tattoos on body areas or piercing any part of the body.

Use of drug injection before 1992.

Sex without protection.

Receiving or giving blood and fluids by others.

Family genes of liver disease.

Causes of Liver Diseases

Liver disease takes place in your body when you always take drugs, smoke regularly and drink alcohol. All this can cause liver damage. Even eating spicy food and a lot of street junk can also affect the liver.

Complications of Liver Disease.

Liver is the second biggest organ. If the liver gets damaged and can’t be cured in time, life will be very complicated. You can’t even survive for long because liver disease turns into liver cancer. Others, if left untreated, continue to defend your whole liver.


The main cause of liver inflammation is that it

reduced parasites and viruses. These two can infect the liver dangerously. These harmful viruses easily damage the liver and spread through blood or semen, poisoned food and water, even in contact with those who are already infected.

Most common types of liver infection are hepatitis viruses are:

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis A

Symptoms of hepatitis A will start  in 2 to 6 weeks after the virus enters the body. This will only stay for less than two months. This virus makes your body weak and you feel sick for as long as six months.

Warning Signs Of Hepatitis A Are:

  • Fatigue.
  • Fiver
  • Nausea, vomiting or pain in the lower part and belly area.
  • Changes the colour of urine and makes it very dark with a bad smell or a clay-colored bowel movement every time Joint pain.
  • Yellowish colored eyes and skin jaundice.

Hepatitis B

In Hepatitis B, the symptoms are the same as Hepatitis A. You usually get them three months after the infection. This will show its traces after 6 weeks or a 6 month later.

Hepatitis C

The symptoms are the same as A and B. This will happen within 6 to 7 weeks after the virus gets into your body but you will realise this 2 to 6 month later.

How To Vanish Liver Disease Through Ayurveda?

Ayurveda treatment is an ancient method to cure liver disease. It helps to remove infection from its roots and makes the liver healthy. Ayurveda treatments will turn bad habits into good habits. It provides energy in your body and makes your mind calm. It removes every old pain from your life.

Benefits Of Ayurveda treatments

Ayurveda treatment is very good. It can heal big time problems from which you are suffering like liver disease and infection. This type of problem can only be resolved by the treatment of Ayurveda. It reduces pain and has many benefits for the future. It offers extensive therapies to the old, young, sick, healthy people. This old time treatment gives various benefits and makes the body healthy and strong all the time.


Ayurveda treatment is an elementary antidote for life. It is an old treatment which has been practised for 100 years. It is a mixture  of science and art of healthy living. Ayurvedic treatment is still very famous and it has helped many people. It is a natural and pure treatment which has healing power to remove pain and disease. Ayurveda helps to cure several types of problems without any side effects. If any one is suffering  from liver disease then Ayurvedic is the best solution to cure it. Many researchers and a lot of studies have successfully proved that Ayurveda is very beneficial for mind and body.