Last date to submit the form of TISSNET falls in the month of November 2017


Tata Institute of Social Science National Entrance Test is organized at All India Level for the admissions at TISS Mumbai, Tujlapur, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Banyan Chennai, MHAT Chennai and Ranchi. The institute offers 50 master’s programs. The application forms for the entrance test has to be submitted by the last week of November 2017.

Important Dates-

  • The application forms for entrance exam were released in the month of October 2017
  • The last to apply for the entrance exam is likely to fall in the last week of the November 2017
  • Entrance exam is expected to be conducted on the month of January 2018
  • The result is expected to be announced in the month of February 2018

Eligibility Criteria-

  • The candidates are required to have a graduation degree of minimum of 3 years of duration or equivalent from a recognized university.
  • The candidates are required to have cleared all the exams of the graduation in order to get eligible for the entrance exam.
  • The candidates who are studying in the final year of the graduation are also eligible to apply for the entrance exam. Hence, they make sure that they fulfill all the requirements.
  • The candidates who all have done graduation through correspondence from University or any recognized institute is also eligible to apply for the TISSNET entrance exam.
  • The admission of the candidates who are studying in the final year of the graduation will be provisional till they submit their final examination result. If they fail to submit their result by September, their provisional admission will stand cancelled.

Application Form-

The application form for the entrance exam can be filled in both online and offline mode. The candidates are suggested to fill the application form through online mode only. If the candidate belongs to the remote areas, then they can avail the facility to fill the application form through offline mode also. A candidate can apply for a maximum of 3 programs in two campuses in the same application form.

Application Fee-

  • The application fee for 1 program for the candidate of the general category is Rs.1,030
  • The application fee for 1 program for the candidate of the reserved category is Rs.260

The payment of the application fee for the entrance exam can be done through two modes-

  • Online mode- The application fee payment in online mode can be made through Credit card or Debit card or Net Banking.
  • Offline mode- The application fee payment in offline mode can be made through cash deposit in any SBI branches using the prescribed challan

Application Submission-

The candidates who want to fill the online application form need to submit the application form in online mode only. The candidates who will fill the application form in offline mode need to send the hard copy of the duly completed application form to the following address-

To Assistant Registrar,
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar,
Mumbai- 400088