Why You Should Choose SAS?


SAS which is the abbreviation for System Analytical System, it was a software that was developed four decades ago for advanced analytics, business intelligence, and big data analysis. In a world that is now exclusively run on data production and streaming, the sorting and analysis of this mammoth quantities of data have increased. Thus, to get an edge over competition, multinational corporations to start ups are employing people with SAS training.


There are a number of data analytics tools that are available like Microsoft’s Excel, R and SAS.

For professional analysts , the choice is between R and SAS and before you join a SAS training course, it is important to know its merits.

  • SAS unlike R is not an open source network but commercial software, making its usage more restricted and confidential.
  • SAS cannot be customised like R, hence it has an universal usage and increases your chances of mastering it and becoming a sort after professional.
  • SAS is chosen by MNC’s for whom data security is of utmost importance. India is an outsourcing country and offshore companies give much importance to it.
  • Though, SAS might appear technical but it is user friendly and SAS institute provides free training.

Commercial viability

The need for any sort of qualification is towards your prospect for a bright career. Being SAS trained will provide you that opportunity. If you look up any of the job portal sites, you will find that maximum companies dealing in IT, big data, or data analytics are looking for candidates with SAS background. In India, there are thousands of jobs available in any of your preferred metropolis.

So, with inflation and risky job market, a SAS training will provide with a security in your career and provide you with growth prospects.

Usage of SAS in other industries.

If the field of IT is not your preferred field, then there other sectors too, where your SAS training will find  proper appreciation too.

SAS has found immense popularity in the banking sector and it is used in

  • Forecasting and econometrics
  • Credit risk management
  • Regulatory risk management
  • Expected credit loss and stress testing
  • Mathematical optimisation

It is found its usage in the pharmaceutical industry in drug and device control, in statistical programming, industry regulations and standards and most importantly in clinical trials.So, SAS training will never become futile and has application in various fields, providing you with many options to choose from.


Though, there are number of analytics tool available in the market, SAS was one of the first tool to be launched and has stood the test of time. There are many tools like R, Python, who are eating into the market share but SAS is still the number one.

So, Excellent SAS training is important to give a kick start to your fledgling career, if you are looking for a career switch, then get yourself SAS trained whether through online or offline classes. It is here to stay for a long time and the demand will increase.