The Most Healthy Recipes using Air Fryers

Healthy Recipes

Most of you can point to that individual in your reference group who enjoys dining on chips, French fries and an enviable serving of fried chicken. Or right now, you probably have your hands smirched, realizing you are the guilty party.

Whichever you select, you would agree that having a lot of fried food can be dangerous to your health.

The Harvard Medical School points out that eating fried food could lead to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.  Though, the Institution observes, frying with healthier oils could post a returns of a dramatic reduction in these risks.

Though there is another option. What if we could do away with the oil altogether?

The introduction of Air Fryers has raised the possibility of reducing the oil content in our food, by limiting the amount of oil that is needed to have these foods prepared. Air Fryers conduct the process of air-heating your food, so you do not have to ‘fry’ them. When food is placed in the air fryer, it undergoes heating, similar to heat gotten from conventional cooking.

If you have not used an Air Fryer before, there are several reviews, for example, the small deep fryer review that you can use to make a choice. While going through these reviews, here are some of the healthiest recipes you can try, using your brand new, gleaming Air Fryer!

1. Green Bean Casserole Riceballs

First on our list, since you are going to need strength for the day, why not start with an energy-giving meal. The Green Bean Casserole Riceball is selected to give you a fair amount of carbohydrates, proteins and other nutrients your body needs, to keep you feel alive and energetic all day.

  1. Air Fried Cauliflower Rice

Using little to no oil, the Air Fried Cauliflower Rice would turn out to be that delicious meal you can have an extra serving of, and share with guests too! Pleasant for dinner, just before you take a nightcap.

  1. Ratatouille

A step further, and you can go to another level with your healthy eating habits. Quick, concise instructions and preparations, if you are lacking in your fill of vegetables, you should get that up when you try out the Ratatouille recipe.

  1. Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

What better way to spend the evening reclining on your easy chair, and scouring through the pages of your favorite novel, than to have a bowl of delightful salad on the coffee table, by your side. The recipe for the Mediterranean Quinoa Salad gives you just that.

  1. Quinoa Burgers

If you are yearning for a MacDonald’s burger, then you should know you do have options to stay healthier by preparing your burger at home. With quinoa, rich in fiber nutrients, you get a curbing from your sandwich cravings, while staying the course to remain healthy.

  1. Air – Grilled Tomatoes

Juicy and squishy, the Air- Grilled Tomatoes might just dribble down succulently, if you try to eat them with your fingers, all the while you get your vitamins and other nutrients from eating them. This recipe is great to try for a light breakfast.

  1. Clams oreganata

Very quick to cook – you can be ready to eat, you get the combination of Parmesan cheese, bread and lemon zest butter, when you try out the Clams oreganata.

  1. Fish Taco Crisp Wraps with Mango Salsa

The Fish Taco Crisp Wraps with Mango Salsa is another opportunity to be inventive with your Air Fryer. Easily accessible ingredients, great recipe, the Fish Taco Crisp Wraps is a draw between crispy and dainty.

  1. Nuwave Deluxe Air Fried Chicken

Our list of healthy recipes would not be complete, if we do not add everyone’s desire to have some chicken! The Nuwave Deluxe Chicken gives you a lighter version of fried chicken, while providing you the energy to remain effective and bubbly all day long.

  1. Fish and Chips

If you are settling down to the evening, with a movie, then a light dinner of Fish and Chips is one of your best options to having a pleasant, and stress-free evening.

The above ideas are easy to google and should really give you a head start, on the dishes you can pull up with your newly bought Air Fryer.