Top 5 Reasons Australia Is the Best Place to Study for GCC Based Students


During an educational career of a student, the number one priority is to get well-respected degrees from world recognized institutions and universities that help in landing that first job and progress faster in the professional career. Students from the GCC including major states like Dubai are always under constant pressure of doing well because of the enhanced competition in the industry. Studying abroad at high-quality universities has become a trend in Dubai and other GCC states and Australia along with other parts of the world like the USA, UK or Canada has always been one of the top destinations.

Australia has one of the most evolved educational systems from around the world and is a naturally English speaking country as well. These factors play well for students from Dubai and the rest of GCC as business organizations in the region are always looking for foreign qualified people with unique English accents to enhance their foreign trade opportunities. Other than that, there are many unique factors like all four seasons and high-quality lifestyle that always pull young students to the big cities of Australia. Here are some of the top reasons Australia is the best place to study for GCC based students:

1: World-Class Education Standards

It is easy to think the UK and USA being top education providers around the world, but according to many research studies conducted, Australia and Canada are not behind at all. In fact, some of the top universities in Australia like the University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of New South Wales or the Monash University offer even better education standards, especially for GCC based students. The clear similarity between the education system being used in Dubai and Australia provides students that edge to excel with. To get a student visa and professional study visa consultancy you can consult with the Australian Immigration Consultant.

This similarity extends to the coursework allocation and the nature of courses and subjects being offered with post-graduate degree programs as well. When students are looking for top reasons Australia is the best place to study for GCC based students, the education system and the standard of education employed in its various universities goes a long way into persuading students to apply for an Australian study visa. To find the right Immigration Consultants in Dubai, should always be the top priority as this can make or break a professional career with great efficiency.

2: Cultural Diversity in Australia

Students from the GCC will always be more used to home conditions, the food, the living style and even clothing to some extent are all contributing factors. Fortunately, Australia has had immigrants from all over the world for as long as anyone can remember and today, it is one of the most culturally diverse parts of the world right alongside the USA, UK, and parts of Europe. This cultural diversity plays a vital role in providing home-like conditions to students for their stay in the country.

Whether you are looking for Dubai style food, clothing or a community where people from the homeland are in abundance, you will find everything in some major cities of Australia. This even makes socializing in the first few months or years of a student’s arrival into the country much easier as communicating with people from the GCC in the local language is far easier than going full-on English at the start of your arrival into Australia. Festivals, sports events or other occasions, all are found in abundance in the country.

3: The Immense Manmade and Natural Beauty of Australia

Everyone has a tendency to see places and go out on exploration tours, young students from Dubai and the GCC will always be a bit more inclined to skip to the natural landscapes or visit that architectural masterpiece spread all across Australia. Whether you are into untouched wildlife with many natural wonders of the world like the Pink Lake (Hillier Lake) in Western Australia or you have a taste for beautiful buildings at the Sydney Harbor, you will find everything that you are looking for.

Australia is also one of the largest countries of the world and has some of the most beautiful coastal cities that have developed to become some of its major residential regions as well. Vast wilderness and true natural formations along with crystal clear waters and sands of the beaches make it one of the most tourism attracted parts of the world and whilst a Dubai or GCC based student is there, they can enjoy the whole serenity of the region to its fullest extent.

4: Strong Worldwide Research and Development

Australia is known to be one of the world leaders when it comes to research and development in all scientific extensions. Whether you are into physics, astronomy, medicine or mechanical development, you will find some of the most advanced laboratories and research facilities in Australia. The country has been leading the charge for clean energy as well.

All this research and development plays out great for international students who are looking to make a name for themselves. When provided with the right kind of environment, capable students can excel at their game, whatever it is and shift to a professional career internationally successfully. The country’s R&D capabilities are strong pulling factors when it comes to top reasons Australia is the best place to study for GCC based students.

5: High Tech Job and Settlement Opportunities

When a student decides to study oversees, one of the major factors they are always looking for is to settle in that country and find a quality job. Australia qualifies as one of the top destinations for this aspect and offers some of the leading job opportunities to qualified people from around the world.

Additionally, it is much easier to shift your visa to a permanent residence from your initial student allotment after having finished your degree and found a good quality job. Employers can also support an international employee’s visa application and visa processes can be conducted from within Australia without having to first fly back to Dubai or GCC.