Bad Business Decisions that Every Small Business Owner Should Avoid


While the prospect of having a business of one’s own is indeed very satisfying, the process of setting it up and taking it to the pinnacles of success is always a work in progress. The success of a business does not always depend on the quality of the product or service that one is providing- even the best of services can fail to generate the required revenue- there are a plethora of other factors that can result in your business not living up to your expectations. Some business decisions should always be avoided if you have a business of your own:

Low Working Capital: While acquiring capital in the initial days of the business is a difficult task, always working with no or limited amount of extra cash can result in compromise on various aspects of the business. There are a lot of things that could be done for the improvement of the business but limited working capital is sometimes barely just enough to scrape through the essentials. Opt for a small business loan to infuse new life into your business and give it the best it deserves, be it buying new equipment or renting larger premises.

Lack of Innovative Marketing Strategy: Most new businessmen invest all their research and energy into making the best product available in the market, but how are the clients supposed to know that such a product even exists if there is no marketing strategy. Apply for a business loan and use the money to create a strong online presence, to build your own website and to invest in any offline marketing that would be ultimately beneficial for your business.

Not Saving for Later: Starting one’s own business will always involve a certain amount of risk. No matter how much you are prepared, there will be eventual pitfalls and the success of the business depends on how you rise from it. Instead of depleting one’s entire resources when that happens, get a business loan at low interest rate to tide over the period. Or else, you would be unable to save anything for later and when an emergency arrives, whether in business or in your personal life, you will face a despondency that is sure to ruin both your business and your relationships.

Unresponsive to Clients: Modern businessmen tend to spend a lot of time thinking about profit and somewhere down the line they happen to lose touch with the most important part of their business- customer relationship. Clients will only come back when they receive not just good service but also post sale services. Retaining old clients is just as crucial as acquiring new ones and this is how a business grows. Use the money from a small business loan to set up a customer relationship department- your clients will be much more content when they find their feedback has been taken into account.

Not Hiring Skilled Staff: Hiring skilled staff will always cost more money because they will not settle to offer their services for a low remuneration. Good work will always generate more revenue because they can get more work done in a less span of time in a much more flawless manner. So hire the expert who has been making waves in the industry without worrying about the salary he asks- he will give back much more to the company.