Causes, symptoms and treatment of fibroids


Women undergo some of the other health-related to their uterus at some point of time. Many times, the muscle layers of the womb experience an emergence of tumours. These tumours are non-cancerous and considered as the Uterine fibroids. You can never assume their sizes! 

The fibroids can be as big as a ball or as small as a peanut too. Some also refer to fibroids as leiomyomas and myomas. There exist three types of fibroids, and these are Intramural fibroids, Subserosal fibroids, Pedunculated fibroids and Submucosal fibroids.   

The Obstetrics Hospital in Greater Kailash, Delhi believes that more than 30 per cent of women worldwide are affected by this tumour by the age of 35 years. Isn’t that number scary?

The fibroids develop in the women anytime between the age of 16-50. It is because this age experiences a higher estrogen level. These are quite prominent during the reproductive years and can be treated without any hassle.

What are the possible causes of Fibroids? 

The causes of fibroids still stand unclear, but many relate them with the estrogen level. However, apart from that, there are some other causes too. Have a look below: 

  • Genetics 
  • Growth in your hormones
  • Estrogen as well as progesterone produced by ovaries 
  • Stress 
  • Deficiency of micronutrients and other prevalent vitamins 
  • Family history 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Some other factors of growth such as insulin 
  • Extracellular matrix (ECM) 

How to know if you are suffering due to fibroids?

Symptoms are what you should look for! Those women who are a victim of fibroids come across many minor as well as significant symptoms. Also, there might exist a case when the patient undergoes no signs at all. These symptoms are also affected by the size, number as well as the location of varied fibroids in your body. If you are coming across any of the below-mentioned symptoms, there is a need for you to get it checked as soon as possible. 

  • High menstrual bleeding 
  • Pain in your legs and back 
  • Constipation 
  • Tenure of your periods lasting for more than a week 
  • The occurrence of urination frequently
  • Pressure and pain in your pelvic area
  • Uneasiness while emptying your bladder
  • Painful sex
  • Excessively painful periods 
  • Prevalence of abdomen mass 

You need to go to an Obstetrics Hospital for further diagnosis 

On discussing the symptoms with your doctor, if it’s confirmed that you have fibroids, you need to get the best Obstetrics treatment in Delhi immediately. If you are experiencing a routine pelvic pain, there is a probability of uterine fibroids. 

Your doctor will probably ask you to get the following tests done to get it treated: 

  • Ultrasound 
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 
  • Hysterosonography 
  • Hysterosalpingography 
  • Hysteroscopy

Do not delay in getting your diagnosis done on time to avoid any further complications. The doctors at Obstetrics Hospital in Greater Kailash can guide you on what can be done further.

Getting Treated

The treatment for uterine fibroid does not include a single kind of treatment. This is because there is an existence of many treatment options, such as surgery or medications. It all depends on how severe your condition is. The usage of these options is done based on the size and number of fibroids in your body. 

Many women can also indulge in the activity of watchful waiting. This is meant mainly for those who aren’t experiencing any signs of symptoms. Even if they are experiencing, these symptoms would be quite mild. In this case, they can wait for the fibroids to shrink after menopause. Fibroids are never cancerous, and thus, they won’t interfere with your pregnancy. 

You must visit Spring Meadows Hospital, where the team of doctors can help you with getting your treatment done on time and in the right manner, which is best suitable to you and your condition. Do not delay!