Ryan International Murder Case : How To Improve Security And Safe Of Child In School


Both Union minister Prakash Javadekar and Maneka Gandhi conduct the high-level meeting by Wednesday to improve the educational institution portal for safety to the student from major sexual abuse in the schools.

This conference approach is especially considered the Murder of Pradyuman Thakur insider of the Ryan International school in the Gurugram for the reason of the resting the sexual assault as well as the rape of 5 years old girls in the private school in the Shahdara. Here the Nation commission of the protection of child Right and women and child development ministries, NCERT , CBSE are part of the meeting and generate the IANS report. Here both ministers have developed a proper guideline as well as the right protocols for the school to protect the children from the major abuse and other physical mental problem.

As per the ANI report, both ministers are considering the suggestion to have women employees as additional support staffs and bus drivers and conductors in the schools and playing of education feline on children sexual abuse in the school and Child line 1098 via NCERT publication must be strictly normed for the working staffs in the school. The Maneka Gandhi also suggests the same norms in her letters to the HRD ministers. As per the ANI report, both ministers get discusses such the matter with the HRD minister Prakash javadekar through the mobile phone. She also forces to provide the strict norm for the non-teaching staffs.


Then the Supreme court issued the notice on the Tuesday to the Haryana Police and Center on an appeal by the Ryan Student finding a CBI probe into the murder and framing an effective guideline to make sure the children safe.

Apart from that, the Barum Chandra Thakur need to lay down of guidelines by which accountability of the respective management of the school and liability responsibility. Hence it must be fixed across the country regarding the safety and other security support for the children education institution.

The postmortem report provides no signs of the sexual assault over the child body and the doctors get confirmed that the child is died within two minutes due to the major loss of blood. However, the school authorities claimed that the child wad stays alone at the time he was taken to the hospital.

Dr. Deepak Mathur attended this postmortem and he provides details there are two cuts over the boy body and nerves was get slashed according to which he can no cry for support at the time he gets attacked. Other reports provide that the child has heave blood bleeding but there is not a sexual assault on her body and there are no marks found in his dress.

The SIT recorded statement for both student who went to change the dress inside the toilet, there is crime taken among them. This police team questions the suspended school principal and other two female teachers by the senior police offers.

Here the Police are taking the effort to crack the case, Subhas Garg is a business man who claimed that he saw the conductor take children to the car and shift to the hospital with other of the two teachers.