Design and Décor Ideas for Small Spaces


Living away from home, independently has always been my dream. This dream transformed into reality when I had to travel all the way to Australia to pursue my higher studies. I have always thought that living away from your parents and siblings plays an important role in character building and makes you a strong person. Additionally, it gives you ample opportunities to chase your dreams, prove yourself and experience the bitter-sweet taste of life. I won’t deny that the sheer thought of living all by myself in a distant land, among distant people made me excited. But, I was equally stressed about finding a decent lodging with adequate space. I was well prepared that I won’t be able to find spacious rooms, relaxing balconies and patio and accepted the reality with a pinch of salt that I won’t be able to arrange my Lord Krishna paintings and sculptures that I wanted to take along as souvenir and blessings from my land. I was fervently searching the Internet for options how to arrange small spaces in the most enthralling way. Believe me, the information that I gathered was nothing less than stunning. In this article, I will be listing tips and tricks to design and décor small spaces.

When it comes to decorating a living space, there are plenty of options to begin with. Everyone is creative and has particular taste and style preferences that can help them transform a small space into heaven. So, if you have an idea or imagination about how you want to design your home then start weaving around those idea and imaginations to transform your tiny space into a comforting abode where you will find infinite happiness.

If you want to accentuate your surroundings effortlessly, given below are some easy and efficient to do home decoration ideas:

Experience the magic of mirrors: With mirrors, you can create the illusion of space and heighten the effect of light. In ancient times, skilled architects and designers used thin sheets of metal to create spectacular effects of mirror and light. Today, you can easily buy designer mirrors in any shape and size, and place them artistically to enhance the beauty of your room. Placing large-sized mirrors on the wall facing window help you create surreal effects as it will reflect natural light and heighten the surrounding. You can also club designer mirrors with paintings, something I did with my Lord Krishna paintings, to highlight the painting.

Plan according to the size: You will agree with us that while designing small spaces, maintaining a style statement is bit challenging. That is why we recommend that while placing any decorative item, say a painting or sculpture, you need to be extra cautious of the size of the artifact and consider the setting of your room. As per art curators, size of your artwork should complement your furniture and other accessories present in your room. This is where many novice art collectors get confused. Always remember, compact and fuss-free furniture is the best pick for a tiny space.

Adopt the mixed-media art approach: Do you always end up choosing a painting for your home? This time do something different and opt for mixed media art. Mixed media art is the best approach to reinvent your home. Be it some captivating religious Lord Krishna paintings or an enthralling sculpture or even photographs and art prints, you can display these art pieces together on your wall, create a gallery wall and see how enthralling it looks. Look up for some creative inspiration and transform your space.