Did you miss your period? Things you must know


Pregnancy is one of the turning points of life for every female. It brings thejoy of having a baby and at the same time many health issues also. Hence one needs to go for the pregnancy test first to be sure about this crucial stage of life.

  1. Missing period:

The missing period is known to be one of the most legit ways to know if you’re pregnant or not. Many doctors just take it as being pregnant. A woman must keep track of her period otherwise she won’t know it if she’s late or not.

Also, it’s very normal to experience light bleeding also known as spotting in the early weeks of getting pregnant. Implantation causes a slight bleeding which may occur around the cycle, so one must not term it as period as it is one of the symptoms of being pregnant.

While we speak of missing a period as a positive for pregnancy, one must remember that a missing period can sometimes just be a cause of stress or diet or other conditions. So, one must always go for a pregnancy test before getting all jumpy about being pregnant!!

The eligibility of a pregnancy test is dependent on the time when it’s taken. And one must take keep in mind that:

  • 99% of the tests that are taken post cycle after you miss your period is effective and is performed by placing the tester under the flow of the urine which is sensitive to the HCG hormone and shows if you’re pregnant instantly after waiting for the prescribed amount of time.
  • If the test is carried out at an early stage, there may be a negative result. Usually,it results in a defective test as the HCG hormones might not be detectable yet.
  1. Nausea:

Nausea is a very common feeling experienced by awoman when they are pregnant. It is a feeling where one feels extremely sick and is often termed as morning sickness for women. It’s not just the symptom of pregnancy as it can be caused due to some other reasons as well.

  1. Full Bladder:

Pregnancy can alter your urinary regime and can make you trip to the bathroom often and can be one of the symptoms of pregnancy. This symptom again is not particular to pregnancy and can be caused by some other means as well.

  1. Cramps:

Cramps are the most common symptom during the first half of the trimester and implantation is what causes it. These cramps are very discomforting and are very much like the menstrual cramps.

When should one take a pregnancy test?

Though there is no accurate time to take a pregnancy test, one must ensure that they take the test in the best time frame which can provide the most effective pregnancy test. The most pleasant time to get yourself pregnancy tested is after two weeks of your missing period.

The whole idea behind this is the secretion of HCG hormones and for them to be detectable enough for the test. These hormones are secreted after the implantation which occurs during the conception, and these hormones grow rapidly after that. So, you must choose an accurate time frame in order to make these hormones detectable for the test.