How Fblinker Has Become One of the Top YouTube Marketing Tools


YouTube is the second largest after Google and earns revenue of $4 Billion annually. There are over 22 Billion active users on YouTube in a month and several hours of videos are streamed daily with the average run-time of fewer than 40 minutes or so. IF anybody wishes to become a social media influencer or aspires to gain fame and popularity overnight, they do use YouTube as their best promotional platform. YouTube is not only limited to entertainment, per se. You can find various educational and research-oriented contents on YouTube which is highly beneficial.

Uploading videos on YouTube are easy and a very quick process. It is an extremely user-friendly platform where you can connect to a lot of audiences at once. All you have to do is upload a content which is unique and interesting. Something that you have never seen before or had an edge over others. On YouTube, always remember, content is the king. If it is something boring or disinteresting, or not rich enough information wise, then you can never gain that necessary fame. Quality of your video also matters when you upload content on YouTube. Make sure your content is clear; calculate the pixels, and it should be audible enough to your audience.

You cannot become famous or cannot connect to a large audience if you are only limited to YouTube. Therefore, the best marketing tool that YouTube has adopted is to connect the content to other social media platforms, especially Facebook via Fblinker. Facebook is the largest social media platform which has twice the amount of YouTube’s active users per month. Here, hours of videos are streamed by billions of people residing in different corners of the world. So, if you want to reach to a large scale of audience, Facebook is your ideal tool to do so. Once people start to like your video, the chances of sharing it also increase. In that case, you get the necessary fame and your YouTube video will also get the organic views.

When you connect your YouTube video through Fblinker, the audience who clicks the link on Facebook will end up watching the video on YouTube itself. As soon as they click, they will be automatically redirected to your YouTube channel. In this way, YouTube gets its marketing share and both the social media platforms benefit mutually. To make sure your content gets attention from millions of videos on YouTube, you must design an appropriate thumbnail that is true to your content. You can capture an original image from your video itself or upload a customised YouTube thumbnail which is unique but a true representative of your content.

When you link this same video to Facebook, do remember to get a customised YouTube to Facebook thumbnail. This is because the Facebook window has a lot of mixed content and therefore, your thumbnail should be larger than the one on YouTube with improved pixel quality. You can get this customised thumbnail from any of the online services or you can do it manually as well. Do add a large play button on the thumbnail for easier access and increased chances of click-through ratio.