How Special Education can Help Those with Autism?


Autism Spectrum Disorder is one of the most commonly diagnosed neurotypical and behavioural disorders in India and around the world. Those who have ASD process information differently because their brain development is not the same as others. Due to this, individuals diagnosed with ASD, face behavioural, social and communication challenges, depending upon the varying severity.

Common signs of Autism include difficulties in social interaction, playing with peers, less or no eye contact, performing repetitive movements like tapping, spinning, hand flapping, developmental milestone delay, difficulty in learning at school, playing with their toys in an oddly repetitive manner, clumsiness, poor muscle tone, etc. These symptoms differ from one person to another and so, it’s best to make an appointment with an experienced psychiatrist who can perform a diagnosis.

Special education can play a role in shaping a better future for the child diagnosed with Autism and is used for Autism treatment by experts around the world. Through it, a child can be taught basic skills and day-to-day functional activities that may be missing earlier. Here are a few pointers that define how special education can positively impact the lives of children with Autism.

Skilled educators for children with ASD

Several unique challenges may arise with a child who is diagnosed with Autism. Such a child may find it difficult to respond appropriately to the present social cues or behave as per the socially acceptable norms. For instance, children with Autism perform stimming, which acts as a coping mechanism and helps deal with feelings such as overwhelming or nervousness. In this, they may flap their hands, or fingers or rock back and forth. For any conventional school teacher, it may be difficult to understand and deal with such activities or traits that a child with Autism may show.

However, a special educator is trained and well-experienced to handle such challenges that may be associated with a child diagnosed with ASD. A special educator who has patience, willingness, and knowledge about how to deal with specially-abled kids is best able to unlock the maximum potential of the child, thus helping him or her build a successful life.

Utilises strategies that help reduce anxiety

A special educator is equipped to deal with children diagnosed with a neurotypical disorder that may undergo anxiety. Using their understanding and experience of working with kids who face similar issues, a special educator can analyze the child’s behaviour and pinpoint what specifically triggers their anxiety. With this understanding, the educator can devise useful activities or ways that can help reduce anxiety episodes, in terms of their frequency and severity.

Improves social interaction

The community, society, and family setup is based on social interactions. Raising a child that is not comfortable in a social setup or lacks social skills can be difficult. A special educator knows numerous proven techniques and ways through which, social skills of the child can be worked upon. For instance, the instructional intervention provided on a one-on-one basis, floor-time, through which the special educator teaches how to appropriately communicate and reciprocate feelings and develop relationships with others. This helps the child to eventually get included in the mainstream setup.

Aids development and improvement of motor skills

Other than developmental and emotional delays, children diagnosed with Autism may also experience physical developmental setbacks. Using play therapy and physiotherapy, customized as per the child’s needs, a skilled special educator can help make a major impact on the life of a child diagnosed with special needs. Physical recreation not only helps with better motor skills but also gives the child the opportunity and confidence to play with their peers. Altogether, it helps improve the quality of life of a child with Autism.

Collaborates with other therapists to encourage child’s development

A child diagnosed with ASD may require Occupational therapists, Speech and language therapists, child psychologist, depending upon the severity of the symptoms and unachieved age-related milestones. While each of the therapists works on a definite set of problem areas, it is the special educator who generally spends time with the child regularly in a classroom setup.

Ideally, a special educator can collaborate with others and help implement the strategies and techniques with the child. This can pace up the development of the child and get better results. For instance, if a child has sensory issues that may get triggered because of a pulse of the fluorescent lighting in the classroom, the special educator can work with an Occupational therapist and modify the classroom environment accordingly.

Researchers have been consistently working on finding a cure for ASD however, to date, no cure has been found and established. Early diagnosis and intervention via customized therapies and special education, targeted on the problem areas can play a major role in helping the child thrive. In fact, with the help of therapies and special education, several children having Autism are doing well in their life. For more details regarding the same, one can look for an Autism treatment centre near their residence and consult them. You can also look for a centre that provides online therapies and special education, customized as per your child’s requirements. Through this way, one can have access to the services of the best of child psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and special educators, who together work on the holistic development of a child.

Other than these, Ayurveda has been in much popular for Autism treatment. Mahakalyanaka Ghritam, Brahmi Vati, Brahmi Ghritam, Rudraksha Churanam, are some of the few ayurvedic powders that are used for the treatment of disorders related to the mind. Ayurvedic practitioners suggest that these ingredients have calming properties and also help with memory development and retention, thus helping develop the cognitive skills of children. So as an alternative to special education and therapies, one may consider adapting the Autism treatment in Ayurveda for the benefit of a child having ASD. Remember that any such Ayurvedic ingredients and herbs should be consumed only on the advice of a medical practitioner.