how to be a good samaritan on florida roads?


35,092. That was precisely the number of motor vehicle deaths in the US in 2015. If you spend a lot of time on the road, chances are you’ve witnessed one of these accidents occur right before your eyes. How do you react in a situation like that? Are you one of those people who stand idly by, watching the horror unfurl before them, or do you jump into action, calling an auto accident doctor in Orlando or wherever the collision took place? We, humans, have a natural tendency to help others in need after a car crash. However, there’s the right way to help someone, and then there’s the wrong way! Knowing what’s what is essential before you lend assistance.

Legal Issues

If you’re a resident of Florida and wish to pitch in as a first responder, go ahead and render emergency care to the victim without any hitch; the Good Samaritan Act in the State of Florida keeps you protected against any legal hassles.

Never Hold Up Traffic

The fact that you’re willing to take time out from your busy schedule to help an accident victim is commendable. It shows you’re a good person who cares about others. But you wouldn’t want to inconvenience your fellow motorists in the process, right? This is why you should never halt your vehicle in a lane of moving traffic. When you stop or change direction abruptly, not only do you put your life in jeopardy, but you also block law enforcement and emergency medical service vehicles from accessing the scene. The solution? If you witness a car crash and want to volunteer to help, first pull your vehicle over to the side of the road, and turn on your hazard lights.

Get in Touch With Emergency Services


The moment you notice the collision, your first instinct should be to reach for your phone and call emergency services at once. Briefly describe the accident site, mention your accurate location, let them know if there are any visible danger signs like smoke or fire, and share any information that might prove useful to the emergency response team. Try to keep the conversation short. Emergency services personnel are well-trained for critical situations, and a heads-up will tell them all they need to know.

Keep Movement to a Minimum

It’s hard to figure out the severity of the injury by simply looking at the victim. You never know; there might be a few broken ribs or a couple of fractures. In such a sensitive condition, a sudden, bad move is enough to paralyze the injured or puncture their lung. Unless you’re a medical professional, you’re better off not moving the person. The only possible reason you could have for moving them is if the body remains in a dangerous position. Even then, you need to be extremely gentle and move them with utmost care.

Role of Witness

When police officials arrive on the scene, you’ll need to tell them clearly about what happened – Who or what caused the accident and How. Did you get the vehicle number? Stick to the basic facts.

Don’t Play Nice

Car crashes attract a lot of attention. If A lot of drivers instinctively slow down to check out an accident on the highway. Even worse, people start milling about to observe what’s happening, but not many come forward to help. This can be extremely annoying and dangerous for people like you who’re trying to assist the victims. Stressful situations like these call for extreme measures, and it’s okay if you brusquely tell the bystanders to move along.

Car accidents are common on Florida roads. Till date, 3656 motor accidents have occurred in the state in 2016. If you see someone getting hurt in a car accident due to the negligence of another driver, it is your civic and moral duty to contact an auto accident doctor in Orlando or any other part of the state. Timely action and care can help save their lives; on your part, be certain that what you’re doing is right.