How to Detect and Treat a Brain Tumour


A brain tumor is a mass growth of abnormal cells in a brain. There are different types of brain tumors that exist.  So brain tumors are noncancerous, known as benign tumors and some are cancerously known as malignant tumors.

Brain tumors can begin with the brain and then spread to the other parts of the body as well. But how quickly the tumor can grow can vary actually. The growth rate and the location of a brain tumor determine that how it will affect the function of the nervous system.

Also, the brain tumor treatment depends on the type of the tumor, its size, and the location. Also whether gamma knife for brain tumor treatment in India is needed or not completely depends on the size and location of the brain.

If the doctors suspect that one has developed a brain tumor then they might recommend a number of procedures and tests.

The first one would be a neurological exam which may include other things like checking the vision, hearing, coordination, reflexes, strength, and balance of the patient. If there is difficulty in more than one area then they can get a clue about the part of the brain which is affected by the tumor.

To doctors can also recommend some imaging tests. Among them, there can be MRI which is commonly used to diagnose brain tumors. In some cases, a dye may also be injected through a vein in the arm during the MRI study. There are numbers of specialized MRI scan components like functional MRI, magnetic resonance spectroscopy and perfusion MRI. This will help the doctor to evaluate the tumor and then plan treatments.

Sometimes other imaging tests are also recommended. They include computerized tomography (CT), Positron emission tomography (PET). These can be used for brain imaging, but in general, they are not as useful for creating images of brain cancer as it is for other types of cancer.

If it is suspected that the brain tumor may be a result of cancer that has spread from another area of the human body, then the doctor may recommend tests and procedures to determine where cancer has originated. A biopsy (which is a collection and testing of sample abnormal tissues) can also be performed as a part of the operation to remove the brain tumor or it can be performed by using a needle. A stereotactic needle biopsy can also be done for brain tumors which are hard to reach areas or very sensitive areas within the brain that might be damaged by a more extensive operation. Here, the biopsy sample is then viewed under a microscope to determine if it is cancerous or benign.

If a brain tumor is located in a place which makes it accessible for a surgery then the surgeon will try to remove the tumor as much as possible. Some cases have small tumors which are easy to separate but if it is big then only portions of it can be removed. But yes, these surgeries come with potential risk factors.