How to Prepare For SSC CGL Exam

SSC Exam

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts yearly exams called as Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exams to recruit candidates for technical and non-technical subordinate posts in government.

The SSC test is a tough one for most candidates as there is a lot of competition.  It is good to attend a preparation course for SSC training institute in Delhi.

The SSC exam consists of a 3 tier exam:

Tier 1: This paper consists of 4 sections:

  • English Comprehension
  • General Awareness
  • Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude

Tier 2: It consists of 2 papers:

  • English language and comprehension
  • Quantitative Ability

Tier 3: It consists of 3 papers:

  • Data entry
  • Computer Proficiency
  • Document Verification

Here are a few tips to crack SSC exam:

  • For General Awareness: Keep the habit of reading newspaper thoroughly to keep abreast of current affairs. One can also read up general knowledge facts from G.K. books in the market like Malayala Manorama yearbook.
  • Practice- practice-practice: For Reasoning and Quantitative Ability, the best way to prepare is through lost of practice. Get hold of previous years question papers and mock tests by various institutes and gain lots of practice. You can learn important formulae and shortcuts to answer questions as well as gain the experience of answering within time limit. Speed and accuracy are gained. English Language and comprehension can also be mastered by practicing model question papers.
  • Make a good study plan: In most cases, students waste more time making plans than executing them. So make a plan that you find feasible to execute. Keep more time for tough topics and buffer time for contingencies.
  • Understand your weaknesses and strengths: Everyone has areas of weakness and strengths. Understand these and you can prepare for exam by honing up your strengths and making up for your weaknesses.
  • Focus on select books: There are numerous books in the market and referring too many is bound to make you confused and dazed. So select a few of the best books and focus your energy on them.
  • Read questions with caution: Exam questions, especially MCQ’s (Multiple Choice Questions) are likely to be aimed at confusing you. So approach all questions with care. Watch out for question which seem like they have more than one correct answer and you have to choose the best one.
  • Make a plan for your exam strategy: One needs to plan how to tackle the various questions in the exam. For example, try to finish off all easy questions early on, so that you have enough time to tackle the tough questions. Don’t waste precious time over difficult questions, early on.
  • Prepare mind for tackling exam: Train your mind so that you perform well during exam. For instance, practice answering questions from 9 to 12 slot, so that your mind is ready to perform best during that time period of the exam.
  • Use tactic of elimination: In tackling MCQ’s, try to eliminate doubtful options and choose from among best remaining options.
  • Use short cuts: If you have practiced the test well, you will have a number of short cuts up your sleeve, which will make answers accurate and save time.

These are some of the tips to tackle SSC exams.