Implication of Criminal Background Verification Check


Criminal record or police record mirrors an individual’s trustworthiness and reliability. These checks are conducted to ascertain that the organization is hiring just the right person for the job position who has a clean criminal history.

An individual’s criminal background verification is utilized by either employers or lenders in order to analyze the credibility of the person. The information and details that are included in criminal background verification check and the existence of the criminal history contrasts between countries and even amid authorities within a country.

In most of the scenarios, the criminal felonies of driving offences such as drunk-driving or speeding and criminal offences of non-expunged criminal are included. Some countries permit limited access to the criminal records like why an individual was arrested and whether he was pleaded as guilty or not. While in some countries they allow complete access to the criminal record check where an individual’s arrest record, dismissed charges, pending charges and even the charges for which an individual has been declared guiltless.

Every country has their own data bases or styles of criminal background record compilation. Let’s have a look on a few of them:

United States of America:

In USA, criminal records are assembled, updated and maintained by the state, federal and local law enforcement agencies. The main point to keep the records in this manner to provide comprehensive and thorough criminal background verification whenever requested by any employer or a lender. Mainly these records are utilized for background checks which involves identification, employment screening, criminal background check, international visa processing, security clearances and licensing etc.


In Canada, the criminal records are documented and saved in a database system that is Criminal Records Management Information Services (CRMIS). This database is controlled by the Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC) and operated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The database is centralized and it includes all sorts of criminal felony and convictions for which the grant has not granted. This database doesn’t include the outstanding charges and convictions along with the disposed convictions.

Hong Kong

In the jurisdiction of Hong Kong, the criminal records are compiled and upheld by the Hong Kong Police Force. Only the Chief Executive of Hong Kong have the authority to provide grants and pardons to the guilty. The pardons are granted in Hong Kong by practicing the law section 12 of article 48 under Basic Law of Hong Kong.