Master Mind of Pulwama Attack Abdul Rasheed in Gaji Encounter: Formulas


After the attack on CRPF in Pulwama, there is a tremendous encounter between the army and the terrorists. According to the news, the mastermind of the Pulwama attack, Ghazi has been stacked in this encounter. However, this news has not yet been officially confirmed. During the encounter, four jawans, including one Major of the National Rifles, have died. Following this encounter with the late night in Pulwama, the Home Ministry has come into action and now a high-level meeting has started there.

Hazi Rashid is Jash’s top commander who is also an IED expert. Masnad Azhar, the donor of Jaish-e-Mohammed, used to carry out terror activities in the valley through his nephew. But during Operation Allout last year, the security forces had killed him. Since then, Masood Azhar had given responsibility to Kashmir to Abdul Rashid Ghazi.

It is worth mentioning that on February 14, ie, on Thursday, there was a frenetic attack on CRPF convoy in Pulwama. In this attack, 40 CRPF personnel were martyred and many others were injured. Army and security forces are in action after this incident. The responsibility of the attack was taken by Pakistani terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammed. From the Pakistani organization After taking responsibility for the attack, India has intensified efforts to isolate Pakistan at the global level.

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