New WordPress release 4.7.3 updates


WordPress Content Management system is one of the most sought out platforms for competitive web development. And with the recent release of WordPress 4.7.3 Vaughan, the statement has already been proved. In March 2017 WordPress released its latest version 4.7.3 featuring a fix for the six major security issues. And that’s why several WordPress development companies were compelled to update their versions as soon as possible.

Here I would like to mention the six major security and maintenance issues faced with the previous version, i.e. WordPress 4.7.2

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) via media file metadata
  • Control characters can trick redirect URL validation
  • Unintended files can be deleted by administrators using the plugin deletion functionality
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) via video URL in YouTube embeds
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) via taxonomy term names
  • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) in Press This leading to excessive use of server resources

Most of these flaws have the potential to make life easy of a hacker. And as a result, WordPress reputation was at stake. In order to address these glaring security flaws, WordPress came with an updated version for its developers. Here I would like to provide another set of issues which have been taken care of in the latest version.

  • Control characters which redirected the URL validation
  • Optimized XSS through video URLs in your YouTube embeds
  • XSS done by taxonomy term names
  • Irrelevant files can be deleted via plugin deletion option
  • Fixed XSS through media file tags
  • Optimized CSRF which was utilizing too many server resources

Apart from this, WordPress 4.7.3 also offers some jaw-dropping features such as:-

Theme starter content

Once you are done with the successful installation of Vaughan 4.7.3, you will find that the default theme of WordPress Twenty seventeen come with example content. Which means you will see all the four pages, i.e. homepage, about, blog and contact page by default. All these pages comprise a demo content commonly known as a theme started content by numerous WordPress developers. Here one can easily understand the flow and pages criteria.

Edit shortcuts

This time WordPress 4.7.3 comes with real-time editing features as well as editing real time preview. On theme front pages you will find edit icon incorporating every section of theme heading, taglines, content even with widgets only the condition is that your customize section should be open while doing all that.

Video headers

Almost all the WordPress development companies are happy with the latest update as this time WordPress adds faster-animated video header in twenty seventeen headers commonly known as the default header. This change is great and the feature has resulted in the change of complete environment surrounding there.

Smooth Menu building

In case you are customizing your website through customized section directly with real-time preview, you will find the add page option. This option available on the left mid side allows you to add new pages directly from here. And after adding or creating pages from here, WordPress automatically add demo content inside those pages.

Custom CSS

WordPress 4.7.3 Vaughan enables every WordPress user to add custom CSS as per their needs and requirements. Through the customized section one can see the live preview of the CSS changes. Most of the WordPress developers’ advise that you don’t need  to save over and over again and reload next page again to see the CSS changes. All thanks to the WordPress development team.

PDF thumbnail preview

After uploading all the PDF files, you can even preview your files. And trust me, this was next to impossible before the release of WordPress 4.7.3. With the new valued feature, the latest version brings a great change.

There are more other features and functional changes but the aforementioned are worth considering. Keep watching the space to know more about WordPress and WordPress development companies around.

Check out more on WordPress 4.7.3 from these links :

WordPress 4.7.3 Security and Maintenance Release