Opt For Insightful Stories By Dia Rekhi

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The Economic Times is a trusted brand that gives you well-rounded, in-depth, and unbiased coverage of news. The Economic Times newspaper, its website, and the app are some of the first platforms that people turn to when it comes to getting important updates.

Today, digital platforms like ET Play podcasts are well-equipped to bring you a well-researched and nuanced view of the most important daily news items. Journalist Dia Rekhi of the Economic Times stands out because of her work as she writes on a series of interesting topics, ranging from technology to digital media and finance.

Know Dia Rekhi of The Economic Times:

Dia Rekhi is a senior correspondent for The Economic Times. Based in Tamil Nadu, Rekhi has been associated with The Economic Times for over seven years now. She has worked on a series of interesting stories on technology, media, business, and finance. She has written extensively on these topics, offering brilliant insights into complex subjects.

As evident from her author profile in The Economic Times, Rekhi does not shy away from any topic, offering robust and exhaustive coverage of her beats. Her stories are precise and to the point while providing brilliant explanations that elucidate complicated subjects.

Rekhi holds a BA in sociology from Stella Maris College and a postgraduate diploma in print journalism from the Asian College of Journalism. She completed her PG diploma in 2015, after which she joined The Economic Times.

Rekhi also appears on episodes of the ET Play podcasts which are extremely popular because of their well-researched and conversational approach. Because of their wide-ranging and exhaustive approach, reading Rekhi’s stories in The Economic Times is a great way to keep yourself updated on the latest developments in the fields of technology, digital media, and finance.

Popular stories by Dia Rekhi:

Dia Rekhi has written extensively on a range of topics, starting from YouTube shorts to the WhatsApp ban on over 23 million Indian accounts, cybersecurity, and India’s tech policy. Her latest research on Twitter laying off nearly 180 Indian employees or the government notifying changes to IT rules 2021 is surely worth a million reads!

The best thing about Rekhi’s stories is that they offer a 360-degree view of all topics, approaching subjects from all possible sides. It is reflective of the essence of the unbiased approach of The Economic Times. Her stories stand out because of their well-rounded approach. They also reflect the extensive research that Rekhi puts in while doing the groundwork for her stories.

For more interesting news updates and in-depth discussions on current affairs, you can log on to The Economic Times website or app to start reading! You can also subscribe to The Economic Times paper to stay updated on all the latest news.