Significant Features of CT Scan BHU Examination


CT scan is also known as a CAT scan and is extensively used for detection of diverse conditions and disorders of the human body. Computerized Tomography is a highly evolved technology that leverages X-ray and digital geometry techniques to explore human organs, bones, nerves, and soft tissues to name a few.

CT scan BHU machine appears as a huge donut-shaped ring and the patient has to lie down on a sliding bed that is able to move in and out of the ring-like structure. The CT scan machine has been provided with X-ray detectors and is connected to a computer that is fed with the data obtained by the machine.

You can get the clear picture of tissues in varying densities and colors in the form of multiple cross-sectional images. Some of the latest CT scanners are designed to deliver three-dimensional images for better investigation.

Uses of CT scan examination

CT Scan is commonly performed to detect anomalies of the brain and spinal cord. It presents far better images of soft tissues than a traditional X-ray examination although the basic principle is almost the same. One can view vital organs including brain, heart, spleen, and other important parts of the body including coronary blood vessels, lungs and so forth.

CT scan is the most frequently used examination to determine the position and other details of a blood clot in the brain for determining treatment options for stroke management. The CT scan of the brain is also routinely undertaken for examination of accident victims since head injuries are common in road accidents.

CT scan BHU is also extremely useful for detection of abnormalities in the human body including tumors, abscesses, and so forth. The examination by CT scanning also facilitates surgeons plan surgical procedures by analyzing the status of the body prior to surgery.

Radiotherapy is increasingly being used for the treatment of cancer and CT scan examination helps pinpoint the precise area that needs to receive radiography treatment. Similarly, CT scanning dine prior to tissue biopsies enables doctors to locate the right part of the body for obtaining samples.

Getting ready for CT scanning

Proper advice for preparation to undergo CT scan BHU examination is offered by the friendly staff. There is not much of preparation involved prior to the examination and it normally depends upon the area to be examined. The most significant aspect of preparation is related to removal of all types of metal objects such as ornaments, wristwatch, studs, ear-pins, and so forth.

As far as diet is concerned, your doctor would advise you a specific period of fasting. If you happen to be diabetic, then it would be advisable to restrict the use of anti-diabetic or sugar-lowering medicines to prevent the incidence of hypoglycemia due to fasting.

There are certain precautions to be taken to avoid unnecessary exposure of the body to X-rays. In addition to this certain procedures are also aimed at achieving higher resolution of images.

If you are going to be examined for disorders related to pelvic area or abdominal region, then doctors might ask you to consume contrast media for clearer imaging. Special dyes can also be introduced into bloodstream through intravenous route.

Non-invasive and convenient

One of the most attractive features of CT scan BHU is that it is quicker and painless. During the examination, the patient needs to lie still to facilitate clearer and better quality reports to aid proper diagnosis.

Patients are not permitted to be accompanied by anyone except for some unique cases. This is normally done to reduce chances of exposure to radiation by another person. Verbal communication can be enabled via an intercom system. There is no reason to get anxious as the examination per se is totally non-invasive.

Once your examination is over, you can resume your normal routine without any hassles. CT scan BHU is not only a boon to patients but is also a vital tool for assisting doctors to diagnose a plethora of medical conditions including cancer.