The multifarious BPO Outsourcing Companies


In this fast-paced world, the trade sector is also making progress with leaps and bounds. And nothing but the regular modifications in the business administration is to be accounted for it. Yes, the changing sales formulas and discoveries have been making wonders in the sphere for over a few decades now. Out of the several techniques, one played out to perform extraordinarily in producing the best results. You must have heard about the phenomenal choice that marketers have to share their work with a partner and increase the output of their merchandise. Such enterprises, that render the services to assist their clients, are known as BPO outsourcing companies. These agencies are renowned to offer cost-effective, flexibility boosting and profit-yielding services by contracting the operations of the work flow of your organization. In the beginning, this method was related to production facilities and supported the several stages of SCM. With the passing years, co-sourcing expanded in the vast dimensions of contact centre facilities, of both technical and non-technical fields.

These third-party vendors can be categorized into sub-sections in different ways as follows:

  • On the basis of functional variability-
  • Back office BPO

This part of the firm involves internal job profiles such as human resources, finance and accounting, data entry and verification services, order processing, database management, healthcare, retail and e-commerce.

  • Front office BPO

This section of the premise revolves around the direct customer support including call centre services, email campaigns, internet communication, fax, web chats and all forms of interactive processes.

  • On the basis of geographical locale
  • On-shore outsourcing

These service providers exist in the same country as that of their clients.

  • Near shore outsourcing

These agencies extend hands of help to the partners from a neighboring country.

  • Off-shore outsourcing

These support vendors are located in a completely different time zone from their clientele.

This was about the division of organization to distribute the representatives’ workload. It gave a more clear picture of the  Now, let us walk through the manifold attributes of business process outsourcing facilities to aid the needful company that these third-party agents ally-

Call centre outsourcing

The BPO corporations have established their maximum prowess, particularly in this domain till now. The contact management is facilitated in this area with the help of state-of-the-art technology and call enhancement tools. It includes inbound services in which the operators respond to the incoming calls, the outbound centre which deals with initiating the communication with customers over a phone and help desk services to resolve the technical queries reported by the consumers and also by the in-house agents. A call centre is the most popular aspect of the BPO outsourcing companies since it has a command over many interesting features such as bilingual dialect, round-the-clock availability, trained workforce and increased sales pipeline.

Knowledge process outsourcing

A KPO facility is basically developed to resolve the domain-specific issues with an analytical approach and administrative cognizance. This team doesn’t only showcase practical knowledge but also represent an in-depth understanding of the conceptual reasoning. Market research and analytics is a major part of the KPO services. In this, the latest market trends and customer demands are investigated to implement practices in the organization accordingly. It even includes the web-based exploration and fact-finding of such subjects.

Information Technology enabled services

This provision is usually related to the software design and development. The IT system-based problems including malware elimination, increasing process speed, troubleshooting, computer/laptop set up, CRM integration, testing and improvement of other specifications. The technical tasks are facilitated with this option. The customers are assisted to operate the equipment and the relevant paraphernalia on their own.

Finance management

This BPO service deals with the accounting facilities such as generating bills, producing invoices, maintaining transaction receipts, making sales reports and keeping track of the debts to be collected or the pending payments. This section is established with the aim to avoid confusions in the future and false accusations regarding the interests and monetary charges on the company.

Legal Process Outsourcing

When a client seeks the support of a law firm to complete the judicial formalities, the vendor is termed as an LPO corporation. This option is provided to maintain the security of confidential information and ensure the abidance of an organization by trade laws of the country. The contracts can be managed directly or with the help of multiple sources. Legal processes are initiated to make the company robust in terms of genuineness so that it earns repute in the market and trust of the customers.

Healthcare services

Medical outsourcing is often overlooked while counting the boons of BPO outsourcing companies but it exists with a range of features including online prescriptions, medical transcription, automatic coding and billing techniques to enhance the check-up and consultancy procedures.