The Role of HR in Talent Management


The human resources have evolved largely in the past decade. Today, HR plays a major role to enhance the workplace and prepare human resources professionals for the future. The war of talent has been growing tremendously, as a result, several organizations are focusing to hire HR professionals more prominently.

It is observed that employers have gravitated towards people with a newer set of skills. Since the advent of technology and innovation, a sense of urgency for trained professionals have never been critical. Talking of newer skills, talent management holds the utmost importance in the field of HR today. A recent report also predicts that candidates or employers who undergo training and development changes in an organization are found to achieving a high rate of success, development, recruitment, and retention.

Talent management by itself is a commitment that includes recruitment, development, and how to retain employees. As defined by John Hopkins University, talent management is a set of integrated HR processes designed to attract, develop, motivate, and retain productive employees.

The HR talent management is not entirely owned by the human resources department, however, it requires the HRs to collectively work along with managers and seniors to come up with a strategy that is implemented by the organization.

Also from the outset, a talent management organization should put their focus on a certain day to day activities that are often overlooked by HR professionals. Here’s what these factors are –

  • Recruitment

Every company is now aware of the importance of talent acquisition in talent management. No doubt, it is evident that the company should start off with hiring the right candidate and understand the priorities aligned according to the company’s need. Finding the best talent should be under one of the organization’s strategic goal.

  • Career management

It is crucial that the employees’ career path is managed according to the organization’s business needs. Such information can be gathered and built from the annual meets, reviews, feedbacks to understand the areas of strength and weakness of the employee. Having all this information will help strategize the plan of an employee on a longer run, thus, building long term career plans for the employee.

  • Performance management

The responsibility of HR does not end right after he/she hires the talent. Once an employee is hired, it is mandatory that the performance should be checked regularly. Having the right process in place helps build a successful strategy to manage them. Service solutions like time management, attendance will help review productivity and performance.

  • Develop an organizational strategy

The hardest part of an organization is to develop the right plan and strategy. As an HR talent management one needs to recognize the organization’s top priorities and understand their high-level goals. Identify the gap analysis and challenges and start measuring the results. 

  • Have leadership qualities

To have an organizational growth the talent in the organization must be recognized. This is one of the essential parts of the talent management process. Once the leaders of tomorrow are recognized, training and mentoring can be provided to them. In this manner retaining talent could improve.

The talent workforce of today are turning tech savvy, and it is important that with time there should be changes in the work environment as well. Currently, HR talent management has caught the attention of many companies these days. Why most HR professionals are moving towards talent management? It is simply because it helps to attract the right and talented employee. A candidate with talent management skills stands as an ideal candidate that can drive business needs for the organization. As a result, this also helps employee motivation. In short, employees are bound to work here in the long run and are most likely to finish their work and remain in the company for a long time.

With a strong talent management strategy in place, both employers and employees see a positive approach to grow successfully. This in return, leads to a high retention rate and build a successful business.

As we are aware, with the advent of technologies like AI and machine learning the recruitment force is already moving towards technology-based solutions. This means the recruitment process is turning automated. HR professionals should involve technology as a priority to survive in this fast-paced modern workplace.