Top 5 Financial Planning Tips to Follow all Businesses


A financial plan in the business helps business owners to offset the possibilities of spending money on unnecessary projects and help you to run a company without facing any bankruptcy and debts. A successful business is not a business which receive credibility from the clients, but also runs a business with a proper financial planning. 

Before initiating a new business, it is advisable to put an immense focus on the financial planning. No matter how much you are passionate about your business niche. If you are weak in planning a finance, your business may not survive. Below we have mentioned some questions that you need to ask oneself before opening new doors of the business. 

  • How much will opening your business cost you? There are fees of registring a business, incorporating, buying insurance, trademarking your logo. 
  • Where will your initial capital comes from? Savings, investors, family or a loan? 
  • How bad it your finance take if your business doesn’t work? 
  • How much fund you will need to stay in a business?
  • What are the revnue target for the following years?

Once you will get the answers of the above-mentioned questions, you are free to open your new business. As we are an online financial advisers, it’s our duty to help you in planning and managing finance for your business. That’s we have created this blog which gives you top financial planning tips that help you in making financial decisions and growth. 

Top 5 Financial Planning Tips for a Business:

Distinguish between personal finance and business goals: There should be a thin line between personal finance and business goals. A business owner who became successful in maintaining the line will never face any finance related issues in his personal or financial life. Let’s understand this tip with this example, if you save money for the child’s education, and in between you urgently need some some money in your business, so you take the child’s education money and use in your business. Getting a return on investment takes time, now you need money to pay the children’s education fees, in order to settle down the situation you borrow money from your friends or a payday lender. And at last you get failed in maintaining a thin line between personal finance and business goals and you face oneself in a very complicated situation. That’s why it is very important for small business owners to identify their personal and business goals. We understand calibrating the balance between personal and business life isn’t possible every time. But, you have to identify the personal finance and business goals while running a business. 

Explore borrowing options: It is very know that at any point you are going to need capital to run a business effortlessly. That’s why it is advisable to seek out for the low interest based borrowing options such as, secured/unsecured business loans, start-up finance, invoice finance, private equity funding, personal savings etc., as these will allow you to strategize your financial planning accordingly. If you have enough savings for your business, but still you need some extra borrowing options, ensure you know that what they are, where you get them, and how would you return it? 

Monitor cash flow: A cash flow is the process of analysing and optimizing the net amount of cash received minus cash expenses. To check the financial health of the business it is very important to monitor the cash flow. Without cash flow your business cannot stay healthy. Without it cannot pay suppliers. Pay employees or manage its overhead. Closely monitor the incoming and outgoing of the cash will give you the clear insight where your money is actually going. If you find your money is going to the debtors than creditors then it’s a time to control the cash flow. 

Keep your expenses low and stick a budget: You probably always told that make a budget for incorporating a new business. It is often difficult for business owners to manage your personal life expenses while sticking to a budget. But, don’t let your personal expensed to disturb your business budget plan. 

Your Tax Liability: This is one of the most painful financial tips, but if you don’t understand your tax liabilities then you might find yourself in serious financial trouble. Always ensure your accountant is aware of all your business activities and you file an income tax return on time to avoid heavy penalties. This includes Corporation tax, VAT tax, and income tax. Here at,you will find a useful guide for filing tax.