What Qualities to Look for In An Illustrator? Find Out


An illustrator creates visual images by bringing their creative skills and knowledge of art and design together. The problem with children’s book illustrators is not their scarcity but their abundance, almost everywhere. And that is why it could be extremely confusing for people to make a choice when it comes to illustrators for books and other products. But if you understand your requirements well, then you won’t really have to face any kind of confusion in this regard. Here are some of the qualities that you should look for in an illustrator so that you can receive exactly the kind of service you want-

  • The first quality is obvious- to be a good illustrator, a person needs outstanding drawing skills. So, that means almost all illustrators are good at drawing. And that is what makes choosing one among them so difficult. But then if you can figure out what style of illustrating you want for your product, then it might get a little easier. After all, different illustrators specialize in different styles.
  • The second important quality is creativity. Yes, only creative minds can create amazing illustrations. Different illustrators create concepts differently. But their creativity eventually determines their success as illustrators. For instance, as a client, you might need an illustration of an apple falling from a tree. Now, this is a simple concept, and almost every professional illustrator will be able to create it. But then it’s highly likely that you will be most impressed by the most creatively executed concept.
  • A good illustrator also has an eye for detail. Illustrations are nothing but designs created with a great deal of attention given to details. And that is why you should always hire illustrators that create work with a focus on minute details. After all, it is the details in a picture that can set it apart from others in the same category.
  • Discipline is also something that an illustrator must possess as a quality. Illustrators who do not have a sense of discipline will not be able to meet deadlines. As a client, it is natural for you to expect your illustrator to meet the deadline that you have set for your project. And deadlines are usually valued by diligent and sincere illustrators who are extremely disciplined.
  • Good illustrators are also good listeners. What matters to them more than what they know is what their clients have to say to them. It is only when they understand their clients’ requirements and demands properly that they start their work. So, hire an illustrator who would happily listen to you to understand your project better.

One thing you need to keep in mind here- this is not an exhaustive list. There are many other qualities that an illustrator must possess, but these are definitely some of the most important ones. If you are looking for children’s book illustrators for hire, it would be valuable for you to know that there is simply no shortage of choices these days. All you need is to do a little bit of research, and it will be easy for you to zero in on a company that can meet your needs in a way that you desire.