Why a Quality Cloud-Based Online Charging System Telecom Is Crucial for Telcos?


Nowadays, telecom operators are willing to do whatever it takes to stay ahead of the competition. As customers become smarter with each passing day, it is not easy to lure them towards one’s products or services by relying on obsolete telecom billing solutions. Also, it is not simple for telcos to stop using their legacy solutions and make a quick switch to modern billing. This is why it is essential to make use of a hybrid solution like a cloud-based online charging system telecom.

The Need for Digital Transformation and Cloud Solutions

Sooner or later, it is a given that cloud-based telecom billing solutions will become the norm in the telecom industry. We are seeing companies in different industries making a move towards the cloud. Cloud computing along with online charging system telecom is the torchbearers of digital transformation, which is why; it should be looked at closely by telcos. As not all OCS solutions are equal in terms of quality, a telecom operator should give his due consideration to the solution he chooses to employ.

How to Find a Quality OCS for Digital Transformation?

As your whole business depends on the quality of OCS that you are using, you should know about its key attributes. Some of its key features are:

  1. Ability to handle convergent revenue management situations – Legacy charging systems were focused on certain specific rating and charging plans. They were not flexible enough to meet the evolving requirements of a modern-day customer. When you switch to a new OCS, you should always check if it has converged revenue management capabilities. With such capabilities, your cloud-based OCS will be able to handle complex requirements for postpaid and prepaid models.

  2. Support for future technologies – With the evolution of new technologies like 5G, VoLTE, and IoT, a telecom services provider should be prepared to handle the emerging requirements of the future. A quality cloud-based OCS can monetize future technologies as well as popular multimedia offerings. This allows a telecom vendor to bill his future customers without switching his telecom billing solutions too often.

  3. Analytics – It is essential for a telecom operator to know about the requirements of its customers, so it can devise offers to lure them. Unlike rudimentary solutions that do not have such capabilities, a modern cloud-based online charging system telecom has such cutting-edge features. Telcos should look for an analytics-powered OCS for enhancing its profits and improving its bottom-line.

  4. Lower cost – An innovative cloud-based OCS can considerably reduce your operational expense. This is made possible because there is no hardware dependency in the cloud environment. One should look for economically feasible OCS solutions to make the most out of their move towards digital transformation.

  5. Ability to work through distributed infrastructure – The fickle nature of customer preference requires your OCS solution to be completely flexible and scalable. A cloud-based online charging system telecom works through distributed infrastructure and provides unmatched scalability and allows for the increasing or decreasing of the scope of your operation at any time you want.