Why is Outsourcing considered over an in-house Call Center?

call center services

A lot of cases have been heard about customer representatives getting annoyed and speaking rudely to the customers. Sometimes due to the complexity of the issue, the in-house agent gets crabbed. These sort of incidents actually lower down the brand value of the business in the market. No company wants to dishonor its customers and lose its source of bread forever. Still, it happens. Why?

In real, the in-house professionals are so much involved in multiple activities that leaving their prowess and handling not-so-important tasks at first hand agitates them. Business owners think that without hiring any new experts, they could encourage the existing staff only to multitask. But what happens is that the professionals get irritated or sometimes they are incompetent in handling the level of issue. Both the cases spoil the business’ repute in the market. A simple way to weed off these complexities is hiring a proficient call center services provider.

Yes, outsourcing is your way out. These call centers hire and train agents so stringently that the experts become profound in handling the business requirement of multiple clients at a time. Quite a few business owners and specialists will not see eye-to-eye on the concept of outsourcing. Still, handing over your business functions to a reliable third-party company will not only save a humongous amount of money but also boosts your brand to an apex level.

This blog highlights the comparative analysis of outsourced and in-house facility so as to avail unparalleled call center services. Let’s start:

The deliverance of lousy service level

Last year only, the ASCI (American Customer Service Index) has record labeled most companies with poor ratings. Notable thing is that there are few sectors that are more on the receiving end than the others. The more competitive industry becomes, less likely a lousy service becomes. So, you can guess, sectors such as internet service providers, power organizations, and television subscriptions are the most impacted by the dreadful service experience.

Customers do notice

As per a study, 1 out of 3 customers faces dissatisfaction as the call fails to meet their expectations. Now imagine, you are disappointing every 1 out of 3 your customers. Majority (86%) of the customers have admitted abandoning the company with which they experience terrible service experience even once. So, this is a paramount aspect. You just cannot afford to lose customers due to lousy service standard.

Again, outsourcing the call center services solves this issue quite phenomenally. Since the call center experts are vastly experienced and hold expertise in handling customer’s grievance, so a sterling level of service quality is assured. When service level is maintained above par, customers do appreciate your brand and spread positive word-of-mouth about your business. So, an outsourced call center is much favorable as compared to the internal team.

Infographic based on Call Center Solutions for Modern Business

Call Center Infographic

Choosing to outsource the call center services!

Owing to the high stakes of customer satisfaction, companies are looking for a professional approach to get the job done. Partnering up with an outsourcing company offers your business the expertise and hold on the customer’s interaction. The agents of these call centers are specialist in inbound services. They ensure to avoid the following set of blunders that are done in an internal premise:

1.     First-call resolution

Reports have depicted that majority of the customers get agitated when their issues are not solved on the first call itself. So, first call resolution is a crucial aspect to measure the performance of your call center. The in-house agents due to workload and lack of expertise are not able to efficiently solve the customer’s queries on the first call. This may lead your business to witness an exodus of customers from your brand. So, hiring a competent outsourcing partner increases the first call resolution rate, which, in turn, raises the customer satisfaction score.

2.     Prowess in understanding, low hold times

Time matters to everyone. In the time when customers do not intend to wait more than 5 seconds for a website to load, do you think making them hold on call is a good idea? Absolutely not. In-house professionals since do not hold wide expertise, tend to transfer the customer calls to the concerned department. In this process, customers have to experience long hold times that can be frustrating. Therefore, an outsourced call center agents ensure that customers wait for least possible time. If the issue is paramount and much complex, then these call centers introduce call-back options that reduce the comprehensive call abandonment rate.

The call center experts ensure to record and collect the customer information so that during the call the customers do not have provide the repetitive information every time. Advanced technology in these call centers such as IVR, automated message, and CRM ensures a smooth customer care process.

All said outsourcing makes much more sense for your business than an in-house call center. For any other query, reach us in the comment section. Thanks!